Abstract submission

General information

The format of the workshop will be a single stream of invited presentations with extended poster sessions to have ample time to discuss.

Except for a few contributed papers upgraded to invited presentations, all accepted submissions will be presented as posters.

Abstract have to be submitted by February 15, 2023.

 !! Abstract submission deadline is extended to February 22, 2023 !!


Abstract format

The abstract must be written in English.

Length of the abstract is limited to 250 words.

The abstract must fit in one page, and the file must be in .pdf format.


Submit your abstract

Submission of abstracts is only possible online through the present BNW2023 sciencesconf.org platform.

Please follow the guidelines below:

1. In order to have access to the abstract submission functions, you need to create an account on the platform with the following link: Create an account.

In case you already have an account on sciencesconf.org or on HAL, go to step 2.

2. Login by clicking on the Login button on the top right side of any page of the website.

3. Go to 'My submissions' in the 'MY SPACE' menu in the left bar.


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